Sunday, April 20, 2014

melting the sink

Soo we decided to try cleaning the 25 years of smoke and dirt off the walls of the shower and the ceiling. The idea was to save $45, by not painting with the highly toxic tub and tile paint. (After reading the reviews I was afraid that a. I'd somehow, mess up on the prep work and it'd come out worse than it already was b. hate the color more than the smoke color thereby waiting$45 and c. Die from the fumes in such a tiny space.  (The lacquer thinner gave me a 2 day headache)
Sooo. Brilliant idea number 1 use goof off! Number. 2 with magic eraser! Worked great! The yucky gook literally streamed off the walls! Using numerous cut up bar rags, I was able to remove 90% of the yuck! The magic eraser cut the scrubbing time in half.

I paid no attention to what was happening to the tub as I worked. As each tag became saturated, I tossed it into the sink. As each magic eraser disintegrated, it to was tossed right behind them. When I got to the bottom of the wall, I noticed that the Smokey yuck was coming off the tub too! Great news! Now I can return the $45 paint! "Hey Honey, come look! The goof off is taking it off the tub as well!"

John "did you see what it's doing to the sink?"stay tuned for pictures of the sink...

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