Monday, April 28, 2014


Four hours to paint the whole trailer, over 2 hours to put 2 coats of paint on 2 cabinets! REALLY?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gripper primer/ sealer and Bonnie Raitt rock!

Primed! Every surface but windows, countertops and tubs! Even the ceiling is getting painted!

Looks better!

Smells better!

Feels clean!

My arms are killing me!

For the record, today was 70° and sunny! Perfect conditions for painting! Plus, we listened to Bonnie Raitt for 4 hours! John was sick of her, and I feel a little empowered! I will not be broken!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

chemical peel

John's hands after the goof off ate thru the heavy duty gloves!

melting the sink part 2

So, this is the melted sink! After using the goof off, I threw the rags in the sink.  apparently, whatever the sink is made of, it's no match for pro strength goof off!

So, John spent several hours trying to clean up the triage of my goof!

Looks better!

Ready for paint!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

New cushions

So  Ramble needs over $1000 worth of repairs to pass inspection! The husband's head just about exploded! Tires, bearings, gas hose, lights and more. 
While Ramble is in the shop getting everything fixed, I've taken the opportunity to start on the cushions! I've owned this fabric for over a year, waiting for just the right project.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

melting the sink

Soo we decided to try cleaning the 25 years of smoke and dirt off the walls of the shower and the ceiling. The idea was to save $45, by not painting with the highly toxic tub and tile paint. (After reading the reviews I was afraid that a. I'd somehow, mess up on the prep work and it'd come out worse than it already was b. hate the color more than the smoke color thereby waiting$45 and c. Die from the fumes in such a tiny space.  (The lacquer thinner gave me a 2 day headache)
Sooo. Brilliant idea number 1 use goof off! Number. 2 with magic eraser! Worked great! The yucky gook literally streamed off the walls! Using numerous cut up bar rags, I was able to remove 90% of the yuck! The magic eraser cut the scrubbing time in half.

I paid no attention to what was happening to the tub as I worked. As each tag became saturated, I tossed it into the sink. As each magic eraser disintegrated, it to was tossed right behind them. When I got to the bottom of the wall, I noticed that the Smokey yuck was coming off the tub too! Great news! Now I can return the $45 paint! "Hey Honey, come look! The goof off is taking it off the tub as well!"

John "did you see what it's doing to the sink?"stay tuned for pictures of the sink...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

fixing the floor!

Rotted floor

John and uncle Nelson have removed the floor and rotted boards. They've built a new frame!

New floor ready for flooring! Good bless them both! Now to fix the rot in the closet.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Executive decision 2

We've decided to keep the sofa bed frame, remove the cushions and fabric and have ordered an 8 inch thick memory foam mattress!  I'm happy with this decision

smells better!

Fabric removed!

Carpet up! Smells better already!

The husband investigating the rotted wood found under the random piece of plywood at the front door, hidden under the ugly welcome carpet.

The son, removed the plywood and found a piece of rotted wood in the corner by the front closet. Unfortunately they can't get a patch in there without removing the closet. So random wood may have to go back );
On the bright side, the wonderful husband got the rest of the carpet foam (that was glued to the linoleum) up and swept out the 24 years of woods collected to memorialized all Ramble's previous travels! Off to check out the battery! TTFN!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

stinky fabric#

Spent this afternoon removing the stinky fabric from every surface I could find. When I got the great idea if renovating a trailer, I had no idea that it would be so messy! However, progress is happening! The ugly valances are down. The couch with the rips, cigarette burns and gag me smell is now just a metal frame. We've decided to keep the frame and bought a mattress to make it a full time bed.
John spent the afternoon hooking up the propane and checking the appliances that run on it. We're not really having fun yet