Saturday, February 28, 2015

jellystone park october 2014

So, apparently, I  forgot that I have a blog. I remebered this morning, while going thru my pintrest boards. So... John and I had 7 outings in Ramble in 2014. The last of which was a family trip to Jellystone Park, Hagerstown, MD in October. This trip was an early 50th birthday present from the kids. Wonder if we will make this my birthday tradition? Hope so...

After the initial mayhem of setting up camp, Bree and Drew set to making dinner (Spaghetti! Yum!) ummm... I think I smell smoke! I do smell smoke! THERE'S SMOKE COMING FROM BESIDE THE BED! EVERYBODY OUT OF THE TRAILER! JOHN.... Not really sure what caused the fire, but John and Drew put it out! And dinner was delicious! After dinner, we spent some time around the campfire. Mostly trying to keep the little ones from getting too close. While sitting there marveling on the great family I have, I hear that chucka, chucka sound that comes from the Freddie Kruger movies! I'm like "did y'all hear that?" they're like "what?" then I  see the big rock moving! And becoming a monster! Can't really tell you what I did next. I'm pretty sure I've blocked that moment out! Next thing I remember is John and the kids laughing at me? The guys in costume? Whatevah!
So the grands all slept in the trailer with John and I. John Jr and Bobbie slept in their tent with a heater going. Drew and Bree slept in their tent without a heater, they thought they'd be fine. And due to the fire, I was afraid to turn on Ramble's heater! So we had the other heater in the trailer. Needless to say, Maryland's mountains in late October get pretty cold at night, so Bree and Drew froze there little butts off!
Saturday bloomed beautiful, the grandkids loved the playgrounds, the fire, the bike rides (pulled by uncle John), the hayride thru the haunted forest and a walking tour of the campgrounds. Everyone was encouraged to decorate their campsite for Halloween! Some of them were incredible! Yet Buhda wasn't impressed! Bitty and Bree carved the pumpkin and Binky ate the pumpkin. After lunch, there was a costume parade and contest. We all walked in the parade and Bitty entered the contest as the cutest poodle ever! She even received a medal for participating! 
John Jr and Bobbie made an made a delectable dinner of steak, potatoes and asparagus! After dinner, Puppy and Bitty hand out candy to the trick or treaters. They ran out sooner than expected. Puppy was was very generous! The rest of the evening was spent roasting marshmallows and sitting by the fire talking and laughing at Bobbie and Papa John discussing the naming of his grandsons. Whatevah!
I'd gotten over my fear of Ramble's heating system and had given Drew and Bree back the portable heater. So e everyone slept warm the last night. It's amazing how early one gets up when camping. We had a great breakfast, took some final bike rides around the campgrounds and went to the playground a couple more times before packing up!
This was, by far, the best birthday gift I've ever received! Uninterrupted time with the people I love most!
PS... For those of you who know my family, yes, my Cros wasn't there! He was just getting over a cold... And his presence is the only thing that would have made the weekend perfect!